Friday, October 30, 2009

Oops! Day 14 Again

As you can imagine, Oct is a tough month for me. I do what I can to change the energy of these tough days, but before and after can be hard for me. I thought I was on Day 14. Oh well, doing it again can only help, right?

Today's brain wave generator exercise was around 30 mins. I was able to raise energy with my awareness in my feet and legs although I struggled trying to do the bouncy leg exercise. I had a hard time feeling it all the way to my hips but was able to briefly and subtlety finally. Could feel it in my hands of course, but again, the arms were a bit of a struggle. I was able to feel energy in my spine with my awareness, but struggled with the cervical part of my spine. Martin talked me through it when he came in and I was able to feel it. I could feel my crown chakra a buzzing throughout most of the exercise.

I laid on Andrew's bed again today, but I think I will go back to his chair because I feel more energy there. Probably because he spent years in that chair meditating, and only a few months in his bed.(that I'm still paying for!) I get the energy swaying and the roller coaster feeling when I am in his chair. So back to the chair I go!

My intent is to do Day 15 tomorrow before going out Trick or Treating with Andrew's friend Daniel and Andrew's two other friends' little brother Cameron.



  1. I can't even begin to think how October must feel to you. I wish it weren't this way...

  2. Its been really hard. Seeing Wes this weekend made it even harder. He is having such a hard time with all of this. He is depressed & he doesn't live close enough for me to be able to help him on a reg basis. It just adds to my grief seeing him struggling with everything. It's heart wrenching. When does the fun begin already!?

  3. More more... I am following this with interest!
    I am engaged in something similar, although a little less diligently than you, without your assistance, and without your very personally important reasons. I wish you every success and look forward to reading about the rest of your 90 days.

  4. Thank you E for following! Since I started working, I've slacked off because I am so tired and I found I can not be tired and do the exercises. I was in Orlando yesterday and came back today so that took care of the past 2 days. BUT I will be doing it tomorrow and Sunday before work fo sho! Especially since I know I have someone who is actually interested! :-) I know you are too Swati, but you already astral travel and I know you read all my blogs & I deeply appreciate that!
