Monday, February 22, 2010


I keep getting the signs of an conscious OBE like vibrating, swaying, feeling my energy body separating, but have yet to have an OBE! arrrrrrg! Especially arrrrrg when I hear a friend had an OBE years ago without trying! grrrrrrr! She said she just "popped" right out of her body. She said she saw herself lying in bed, was up at the ceiling. Then she went outside and felt the wet grass under her astral feet! ALL without trying to astral travel! WTH?? NOT fair! She even got to spend time with her father after he crossed! She got to hug him and everything!

I decided to add my own technique to what I have been doing... when I do it. I think reading 2 books on opposite ends of the spectrum is good. One so scientific and the other so laid back. I'm tryin to fit somewhere in the middle.

What I'm going to do now after I am really relaxed, and feel the energy raising, is to visualize my son Andrew taking my hand and helping me up & out. I know it will take some practice but I think that is something that will work for me. I feel him tugging on my left ear, working on my 3rd eye and crown chakra, so why not helping me out? Sooooo I will be blogging on how that is working for me now.


Friday, February 12, 2010

Day...Hienz 57

Why Heinz 57? Because I combined exercises today from Mastering Astral Travel in 90 Days, day 17, AND a few exercises from Astral Travel For Beginners.

I use the brain wave generator every time but today I turned the volume down a bit. I usually have it pretty loud but figured it could interfere with actually having an OBE with it being loud. My reasoning is because it may distract me if I don't hear it anymore when I'm out of body. Dunno if that is the case, but thought I'd keep the volume down for awhile and see what happens, if anything.

Today I added the chakra energy and willing yourself out exercises from the AT for Beginners book. While I didn't have an OBE, I know the energy work is doing me some good. I could feel my energy body moving and parts of it feeling like it's coming lose from my body. I also know that because I don't do the exercises everyday its going to take me longer to get the hang of it. But like I said before, it's the persistence that matters and once I get the hang of it, I'll have it down.

The other night I had all the fans off because it's been chilly here in sunny Fla. When I turned the tv off and start my relaxation exercises, I had some real strong vibration going on. Felt like I was falling out of bed and the "noise" of the silence got loud! It was wild! BUT no OBE. I think all the sensations distracted me. Just getting use to the OBE vibrations and sounds will take some practice in order to get use to it. It can get pretty intense.

Having the "dream" about Andrew last night has really motivated me. I just may go back in his room again tonight and give it another go! BUT don't hold me to that!



I am definitely making progress! YAY me! I had my first dream with Andrew in it as his healthy self! No hospital or leukemia! My dreams with him in them are usually with him being sick and in hospital. I feel the restraints of him being sick in the dreams. Like we couldn't do this or that because he was sick. I guess still processing the whole hospital gig, which people seem to forget all the trauma we went though in there as well that I'm still working through.

Well, I did have a visitation once, actually a possible astral travel session that I was conscious in, because my dreams are usually so damn dumb. This one made sense and was very clear. I was at some convention center where I was a key note speaker at a womens' conference. I was back stage talking to a few women, Andrew's girlfriend Jourdan, was there too. While I was talking with these women, Andrew was also talking to me. I was answering him and wondered why the women were looking at me so weird. Then I realized that I was the only one who could see and hear him. I said to the women, "Oh that's right! I forget that a lot of people can't see or hear my son still." I looked at Jourdan, and I could feel how excited she was that he was there. While she feels him, she couldn't see or hear him. Kinda like how I am now, I occationally hear him, and will see snippets of him with my 3rd eye, but this was different. I could physically see and hear him just like on the tv shows, Ghost Whisperer and Medium. I could have full on conversations with him like Martin does. I had this, this, whatever it was, dream, astral traveling, awhile ago, over a year ago, and I can still remember it so vividly, feelings and all, like it actually happened in the 3rd dimension. I guess it just happened on another dimension.

Now onto my dream, I don't have as many details on this one though, but that's not the important part. Andrew and I were at some sort of stable with horses. While I like horses, they are not something I felt I needed to have, so having horses is odd. Andrew and I each had a horse at this stable and was visiting them. All I remember was the feeling of having spent time with him. I remember looking at him in awe and being so excited to have him near me. As I was waking up from this dream, I kept thanking Andrew for the feeling of having spent time with him. While I don't remember the dream in detail, I DO remember the feeling of being with my son for a short while and that felt as real as when he was here. It was a true gift! I am getting closer to consciously leaving my body and spending time with my Mucker on a regular basis! WoooOOOoHOooooOO!


Sunday, February 7, 2010

Bad Astral Traveler wannabe!

Even after the firm talking to I had with myself last week, I STILL did not do the exercises 7 days in a row! Shame on me! BUT I did do them more than I have been. That is progress.

I am combining both books' exercises that I am reading. As I have mentioned, one is very scientific & structured and the other very laid back. Bottom line, it's all about practice & consistency. And by consistency I mean doing the exercises on a fairly regular basis. One thing I have come to realize is, trying to do the exercises when not in the right frame of mind is a waste of time. You have to be able to focus on what you are doing and if you can't, it's just better to hold off until you can.

I did do the exercises on Friday. I had a new sensation, it's hard to describe but I'll try. As I was relaxing and working on raising my astral energy body, I had a sensation of moving out of my body and back in very quickly. I always hear the brain wave generator's white noise, but when this happened, it got silent, like some kind of shift was happening. It was only a split second but it happened a few times. It was interesting. I'ma gettin closer!

I love how the Astral Travel for Beginners book tells you to just go wherever the hell you want. Visualize it and be there. And the Master A.T. in 90 Days book says to only stay out of body for a few seconds & stay in the room you are in. SO I figure I'll go somewhere in between. I'm hoping to just see Andrew standing there waiting on me and let him decide where we should go.

SO I will continue to keep on keepin on until it happens. I can't wait to see what technique works best for me. I just wish it would happen already!


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 2 of 7

Well, since my goal is to do Day 17 exercises 7 days straight, I'm counting them down. I decided to start from Tues since I missed Monday. Tomorrow is going to be hectic so I gotta work hard on getting in the exercises.

I was "talking" to an old friend on facebook this evening. He really introduced me to metaphysics in the early 80's. He said I reminded him of astral traveling and he'll have to start to do it again because he really enjoys it. I asked him for any techniques he finds that work for him. This is what he said to me...
Know that you are safe and loved. Let it take you. I mean that. Let it take you where you are suppose to go, not where you think you should go. In time you will go to the place you seek but not until you are ready. It is like learning to swim. You must learn to see more, float and breathe, then dog paddle, then arm stroke and so on. The next thing you know you are swimming under water fast like a fish not worrying about breathing you are just doing it

Tonight I was feeling my energy body moving, it really feels like my astral hands are separating. I think I'm going to work on just "letting it take me." Like I just easily slide right out of my body. Another friend of mine said awhile ago, "it just happened" when she was taking a bath. Next thing she knew she was out of her body and flying to my house. Andrew was doing some energy work on her here at our house. So I'm gonna just focus on relaxing and see where it takes me!


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 17 yet again

So even after a firm talking to that I gave myself on Sunday about making sure I did the exercises at least 7 days in a row, I missed Monday. Bad future astral traveler!

But I am on track today! I did 35 minutes of Day 17 today. I get all kinds of cool vibrations and sensations while practicing the exercises. It feels like my astral hands are separating from my body. I do feel like parts of my body are floating & separating, but not all of it. I suppose that is progress.

Martin hasn't been going over the exercises with me like he was, so I gotta get him back into coaching me. I figure that if I keep practicing even the relaxation, the energy raising & bouncing, and setting my intention, I am bound to have an OBE even if I don't do ALL the 90 day! I think consistency & persistence is the key!

I want it so bad, but it's still hard for me to keep myself focused & motivated. I'm still so emotionally and spiritually drained from everything we went through with Andrew and the 7 months prior to his diagnosis with my daughter's rare tumor that nearly took her. Yea, it's been a fun 3 yrs!

I'm thinking about starting the forum back up again about astral traveling on I tried putting an astral travel group together so we could work on this as a group but there was some issues with that, and I just wasn't up for handling the personalty clashes. I don't think that will be an issue now. So I gotta see if there is any interest in that again.