Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Coming Soon!

I will be back to doing the daily exercises soon. Now that doesn't mean I will be doing them everyday. I didn't before. But I will be back on a regular basis again starting next week, around Jan 4th-ish, give or take a day or 2. This is the only New Years resolution/goal I have, learning to astral travel.

Martin and I are settling in to our new work schedules. I mean the fact we actually have work schedules took some getting use to. Now we have to schedule in our Wii fit as well. Not sure how long I'll have a work schedule since I don't have to have one now. Andrew has been busy w/Martin on readings which has kept me busy writing on the blogs about his antics. That may end up being my job. Who knows, if I'm not working I just may be doing the exercises daily. It beats busing tables!

Until next time, see you next year and have a very Happy New Year!