Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Coming Soon!

I will be back to doing the daily exercises soon. Now that doesn't mean I will be doing them everyday. I didn't before. But I will be back on a regular basis again starting next week, around Jan 4th-ish, give or take a day or 2. This is the only New Years resolution/goal I have, learning to astral travel.

Martin and I are settling in to our new work schedules. I mean the fact we actually have work schedules took some getting use to. Now we have to schedule in our Wii fit as well. Not sure how long I'll have a work schedule since I don't have to have one now. Andrew has been busy w/Martin on readings which has kept me busy writing on the blogs about his antics. That may end up being my job. Who knows, if I'm not working I just may be doing the exercises daily. It beats busing tables!

Until next time, see you next year and have a very Happy New Year!


  1. Great to hear. I was struggling for a resolution, but I think learning to astral travel is a worthy one, and i'm looking forward to continuing to follow your efforts. Happy new year! E

  2. Thank you for following! I really appreciate it! I'm actually looking forward to getting back into the swing of it again. Andrew's presence was very strong during the holiday season and not just with us either. Ive had all kinds of energy buzzing going on so w/any luck, it won't take me forever to learn how to do this!

    Hope your New Year celebration was a great one!
