Thursday, September 17, 2009

Counting It Down!

Counting down the days until I start my 90 day to astral travel program! Four more sleeps! :-0  I figure if I count it down, I'll create some excitement for myself. I'm excited and nervous. Excited at the prospect of having and OBE and astral traveling to see Andrew and spending time with him. Also exploring more dimensions. Maybe kick back at the ole castle for a bit to re-energize my self and remember more of who I really am. Excited at being a spiritual explorer. The possibilities are endless!

Then I'm nervous because what if I don't get it? X-0 What if I drop the ball on it yet again? Yada, yada, yada, blah, blah blah. Typical ego talk. I will be spending the weekend energetically and mentally preparing myself, energetically preparing Andrew's room. Visualizing me succeeding at this. Giving myself a pep talk that I can see this through and be SUCCESSFUL at it. SO that is what I will be doing this weekend. I may even practice a few of the exercises to get a feel for it.

I will also be blogging on here my dream journal. I'm putting it all here baby!

No matter what, Day 1 begins on Monday Sept 21, 2009!


  1. And it was day 1 today!! Blast off!!!! :-))))

  2. Well, I missed starting yesterday. Elatia was carless and needed me to cart her behind around to her dentist appt and run errands. Martin didn't have me set up with the brain wave generator either. BUT Sept 22 is a perfect day to start, don't cha think? ;-)

  3. Yes, September 22nd is a perfect date! :-)))
