Hmmmm today's exercise was interesting. Martin said he was going to leave me on the brain wave generator for 30 mins. Instead it was more like 40! I doubled my time! It did fly by.
I was feeling all kinds of wild sensations. First, it felt like my energy legs were breaking free. I felt this swaying sensation in my energy legs. It felt like when your leg goes to sleep and you try to walk with them, only more subtle. It felt pretty cool.
Pretty much the same sensations in the arms. This time with the chakras I felt a bit of pressure and buzzing in my heart chakra, in my solar plexus it felt like I was being tugged through there, now that was wild! With my throat chakra I felt like I had an energy collar on, that felt bazaar. I felt energy in my crown chakra and also in my 3rd eye. There was all kind of sensations going on today.
I was able to feel the energy bouncing in my spine, it was subtle but it was there. Then I worked on feeling the energy throughout my body. Little did I know that, that was the full body bouncing exercise. I almost felt like I was levitating outta the chair! I didn't feel the floor beneath my feet.
The next 2 days will be pretty much the same exercises. Hopefully I'll have even more intense energy going on! I think there are many more benefits to these exercises than meets the eye. I noticed that my mind chatter is diminishing, that's HUGE! AND I haven't even started the mind quieting exercises yet.
It's All Good!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
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Diminishing mind chatter IS huge. I feel tired with my own mind chatter! LOL!
ReplyDeleteWhile not gone, it is waaaay down! I am able to focus on my body, the sensations and relaxation. That in itself is quite the accomplishment eh?