Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 11 again

Sooooo today's exercises were interesting. I've been reading the book 'Astral Dynamics,' since they recommend that you have an astral traveling book to read as well while you are working on astral traveling. It would appear I was right! I really am getting the symptoms of having an OBE! I was excited about reading that!

Today Martin sets me up with the brain wave generator. I was looking forward to it since I am really getting the hang of relaxing and body stimulation of the feet, legs, hands and arms. I had been pretty relaxed, I periodically do a check as I work on the body stimulation. My body starts to feel 'light' and then I feel this sensation like someone was pushing my abdomen out from the INSIDE! It was pretty freaky deaky...I liked it! It was interesting!

I also had the sensations the Astral Dynamics book talks about it. I was feeling my energy sway and then like butterflies in my stomach and chest area, like when riding a roller coaster.

Martin had to just open the door to Andrew's bedroom, which brings my awareness to the room since my mind is awake and my body feels like lead. Martin was on a reading and couldn't do the spine exercise with me. I stayed on the brain wave generator for about another 5 mins just in case Martin could come back. He did not.

Another interesting thing happened when Martin opened the door. While I was able to get the legs and arms exercises going, I struggled with my spine stimulation yet again. BUT when Martin opened the door I felt all this energy in my lower back, it almost felt like someone was massaging me there! I also felt some cool energy going on around my head. I think I have some cool OBE energy going on here! :-D

I ended up not doing the spine exercise with Martin today. Once I got up, I didn't want to go thru all the relaxation stuff again. I will probably work on it tonight when I go to bed.

Who knows, I may need to pack my astral travel bags soon!


  1. Awesome!! So good to read you have made good progress. Soon you might have to keep your astral bags packed all the time! Wooohooo!!!

  2. Once I master this I'll be out more than in! I cant get nothing done here that I want, I might as well spend most of my time astral traveling. This dimension bores the hell outta me!

  3. PS I'm hoping to master this soon so Andrew and I can go for our winter walks like we use to do.
